The market of Chinese tea beverage is developing quickly, but it faces to the challenge of monopoly competition of foreign trademark. 中国茶饮料市场虽然发展迅速,但市场面临境外品牌垄断竞争的挑战。
The key to resolve this problems is improv-ing the system of trademark monopoly rights and determining unfair competition to rush registration and founding strict review system for trademark registration. 完善取得商标专用权制度、明确认定商标抢注行为属于不正当竞争行为和建立严格的商标注册审查制度是解决问题的关键。
Constitute special rules to regulate the monopoly in trademark licensing from the aspect of anti-monopoly law. 在《反垄断法》基础上,制定专门性规范,有效防止商标许可中的垄断行为。